The Day After... we emerged from our bunkers... squinting at the sun.
Smoke clearing from the campaign... no rioting in the town of Strasburg... my neighbors didn't burn the street to the ground. I will say the town and county did go with McCain, but it was certainly closer than I expected. VA made a flip, thanks to the NOVA area and Richmond. I thought the old-South was going to have a greater sway than it did. My mom did her student teaching down here in the late 40s... all Jim Crow and poor black kids on common benches with little slabs of slate with chalk in hand... really sad, while the white kids, three miles away had the most modern desks, books, pens and inkwells.
Trying to be the modern man, my lovely bride finally asked who I voted for last night. I didn't want to tell her, so not to influence her choice. It ends up we voted for exactly the same candidates all the way down the list... weird what 23 years of knowing someone will do. Now, lets hope those choices can live up to the job! It's not going to be easy... it's a new world out there, but that can be to our benefit with new changes to be made!