IF: Subterranean

zdepski's illustration of bobby burying a bone
Bobby is digging deep in Mrs. Van Bentheisen's backyard. Fourteen feet wide, and twelve inches deep - I don't think he's ready to stop just yet...

he can still see daylight.

digital - Wacom Intuos3 in Corel Painter X and Photoshop CS2 - Needs more work, but the color is close.

Click to enlarge.


thefridayfrog said…
very VERY cute, z! lovvvvvve the bowing shovel! he had better not let go too quickly!
NIce work! I really like it! I like your style and attention to detail (even when it's a cartoon).
Anonymous said…
hahahahaha this is just tooo adorable :D great style and humor!!!! love it
Johana Mazuera said…
Sweet and funny , love the character simple design and great personality.
Indigene said…
This is so much fun! I love the concept!
Unknown said…
man that looks great - the colours are fantastic,
as always you work looks so professional and 'finished'. I know you are a professional but it's that clean quality you always produce that keeps me coming back here - love it mate

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