IF: Stay of Execution

zdepski's illustration - stay of execution
Stay of Execution
Messing around with a new approach to digital painting. I created a brush from a photo of cluster of crystals, nearly 1500px wide, which scales well when used as a 50px or 17px brush. The result is a natural edge without the digital feel. I'm also trying to work "backwards" by creating an interesting silhouette and then adjusting the form to fit. I started with a simple grayscale paintings of an Evil-Germanic-Santa-Claus and a Raggity-Prisoner. I added color over a few hours in Photoshop and Painter11. The background is from photo reference I shot at the parking garage at the college, but crudded up the interior with a few dangling wires and three goons standing around in the shadows.

There's a lot to learn with both of these approaches, but I'm liking the recent results.
Zdepski's source images for making Crystal Brushes in Photoshop
Crystal Formations for Photoshop Brushes

Also: DOWNLOAD the new 24 page Gallery Book for my show at James Madison University! HERE IT IS

For those that couldn't make the opening, click the link above to check out the accompanying gallery book with an introduction by WMRA/NPR contributing reporter, Martha Woodroof. If you're in the region (Virginia) between now and October 3rd, stop by the WMRA studios for a tour of the show.


Indigene said…
Oh, the melodrama, has one's teeth on edge! Whoaaaaa! :)
I checked out Feng Zhu's tutorials; that guy really is amazing! I can see the influence here, especially in the backgrounds. I love your dudes' faces. My favorite is the bored executioner! As always, cool painting. I really like the work in your show collection too!
michele said…
Incredible results! Both of your main characters appear to have some tribal influences- Who'd have guessed the one started with Santa? Cool crystal effects, too! :o)

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