Sing Sing Sing - 1 Act Opera
I'm in the midst of writing a 16 page "zine" called "Sing Sing Sing, a One Act Opera". The premise is about a young girl named Hazel that wakes up one Sunday morning singing. It progresses from there. I have been doing a pile of portraits this week, all former Nazi guards and doctors. They're an integral part of the piece, becoming an "aside" on the right-hand page as the story progresses on the left-hand page.
So far, I only plan on doing a few short run versions, and a PDF, but I hope to see if I can get the entire piece published through the DC Conspiracy group publications, as part of an upcoming collection.
still very early on, but thinking of marketing outlets.
the word "schlampe" i the nure's name means exactly the samelike "bitch" in english and I guess there's noone in Germany who bears that name.. you should consider changing it. for me as german it looks a bit ridiculous.. no offense intended, just waned to inform you :)