Pittsburgh Propaganda - 2

Commonwealth Press T-shirt design by Dan Rugh and Paul Zdepski
Release the Keisel!

Dan Rugh put me on the case again - Number 99 of the Pittsburgh Steelers is sporting a monstrous beard, or "Feard" - looking like the Viking a name like Keisel should be.
It was a limited run, and has sold out, but ask Dan if there is one in your size over by the ink cabinet = Commonwealth Press Merch

Originally his beard was going to be tearing apart a ship made of Cheese, but I thought this image may have a shelf life beyond the Green Bay game - as long as Keisel doesn't trim that beast!

Below is a version of the same drawing with a few gradients - I like yellow and red on black - they're pretty awesome.

Fear Beard, illustration of Keisel by Zdepski


Anonymous said…
That's awesome!

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