IF: Renewal

zdepski's digital illustration of the Gardener
nothing as hopeful as a farmer or gardener. the toil of labor and the onslaught of the troubles of the world try to stop his progression. he waits for the renewal of spring and the harvest to come.

this came from a dream i had in 2006, which was sketched in my sketchbook, and digitally reworked this evening in Photoshop. It has a strong mandala quality to it, though a thoroughly threatening border surrounds the subject.

pencil to digital

click to enlarge.


Anonymous said…

first, Happy New Year...

and second, I have two awards
for you on my blog if you like

see ya...
love the play of positive and the negative shapes in this piece.
spindelmaker said…
I really like your take on the theme this week. A great idea, and tons of truth. Oh, and I like your drawing too :-)
Unknown said…
mate, that is extremely well done. it's always crazy hard to illustrate dreams - you've done a wicked job (is it close to what you dreamt? I mean... the image?) I always find it hard to recapture it

great stuff and Happy New Year man!
Susan said…
Just found your blog from Alex's - great stuff and very powerful! I also read your advice on photoshop - just got a copy too. I work primarily in colored pencil - if you don't mind me asking some more advice...is there a way in that program to make work look like colored pencil or is that only possible in illustrator? For now, I'd like to do what you do, still draw on paper and see what I can do in PS.
gatheringwonder said…
wow - powerful illustration - well done

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