IF: Similar - Pup Portraits

Four of Zdepski's dogBaby characters
A quad of four dogBabies, all posing for individual yearbook photos. Funny how they all look like they're from the same litter. each is acrylic on wooden panel, 5 inches square.
DogBabies are the theme for my MFA thesis, and are a major focus of my energies, when not being a dad, husband, mechanic, lawnmower or snow-shoveler... I gotta get moving on my thesis work.


studio lolo said…
Those are some freaky, yet adorable pups!
Bella Sinclair said…
Oooh, cool portraits! Very nicely done. Good luck on your thesis!
Roberta said…
These are fantastic! Good luck with the thesis!
Anonymous said…
Love the creativeness of those puppies. The color is vibrant and eye catching.
they are really cute!! great job!
Wonderfully cute and original!


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