JuJu Man

rendition of Mark Zdepski's JuJu Man character by Paul Zdepski
Rendition of Mark Zdepski's "Fairmount the JuJu Man" Character

My brother Mark is guy that laughs a lot. He's one to spend time on a frivolous project just to raise an eyebrow. He's a geologist by trade and a master woodturner by choice. He's always coming across beautiful types of wood or odd pieces of "wind fall". A while ago, Mark found a bizarre root structure that he thought looked anthropomorphic. He clearly saw arms, legs, torso and a huge schmeckle to complete the package.
Mark Zdepski's JuJu Man character in the Nude
Mark Zdepski's "Fairmount the JuJu Man" in the Nude

Mark Zdepski's JuJu Man character
Mark Zdepski's "Fairmount the JuJu Man" Character

This year for Halloween, Mark has named his rootman, Fairmount. He's dressed him in a grass skirt, given him a Horseshoe Crab chestplate and a Deer Pelvis mask with glowing red LED lights for eyes. He's been showing Fairmount around to friends, including driving into town with him in the passenger seat.

When I saw Fairmount all dressed up, I couldn't help thinking of him as a Tiki Witchdoctor. SO, I riffed off of my brother's sculpture to create the drawing above. My drawing isn't as cool as the real deal, but no one can duplicate the original Fairmount!


I like how you kept him loose and sketchy and then kept the colors flat enough to let the lines be important. Your brother must love this!
Sandy Sue said…
Very cool. And the story behind the art is a treat.
Very talented family I see.

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