Shrunken Heads - Step One

Zdepski's shrunken heads, Moe and Joe in a preliminary stage
I started sculpting a couple of shrunken heads as an experiment and preliminary to a full-blown "scene" of Shrunken Head on a Surfboard, like Emma Eating Beneath Eaves. The heads are 3"W x 2"H x 3"D, sculpted in Super Sculpy and baked to a nice crusty finish.

Moe, on the left is from last night, and Joe, on the right, is from yesterday's lunch hour. Joe has been pierced with a small drill bit to receive doll hair and ear-rings PRIOR to firing. Moe is pristine - as sculpted - to be drilled with the same bit on the hardened head. I want to see which is easier. Joe was always risking hole distortion as I was twisting the drill bit into his skull... I had to re-shape him a few times with all the added handling.

I will be sanding, painting and "hair-club-for-menning" these bad boys. I'll post the progress. If they're not too much of a lift, I'll make more for sale. These may just get a three-dee scan to create a couple of CAD armatures from... Then, who knows?

World Wide!

zdepski's Shrunken Head tiki on surfboard in pencil
Shrunken Head Tiki on a Surfboard is the scene I will be sculpting - If this works out the way I plan.


Unknown said…
Love the illustration can't wait to see where this goes.
Chris Possessky said…
If Stephen King was a visual artist instead of a literary artist, he would be you.
I'm fascinated by the tiki-creepiness!!

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