Back from LA

zdepski's photo of Los Angeles from the air at night
zdepski's photo of the cabin interior of Virgin America flight
zdepski's photo of iphone lens distortion
My flight out and back were on Virgin America - nice airline. I had flown them to SF and made sure to book with them again to the Pasadena session. I was messing with the iphone camera a bit... really think it's a piece of crud, but good for snaps. I noticed a couple of funky distorted images that were taken while moving the phone. It may be something to mess with in a more controlled effort. The areal photo is of LA with what I think is San Pedro in the foreground (marina and navy base)

Highlight of the trip was arriving at Dulles International, hitting the restroom at 5:30 am... walked in on some old Muslim dude washing his feet in the sink... brown toenails, no soap. No doubt a religious ritual for his Saturday devotions... but I still gave his groady flappers a wide berth.


Jane said…
Great shots, hope you had a great time:)

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