SanFran: Day 5
Craig Frazier stressed the "big idea". He still works in Rubylith, a film that was used for masking and layout in the good old days. He cuts lith with an exacto blade and then brings them into photoshop for coloring. Craig exhibited another very strong presentation and wide variety of media execution.
Robert Hunt talked of his brilliant project and discipline for a painting a day... no matter what ground or medium, execute something within a timed 20 minute "workout". What develops may eventually roll into a freelance piece as a launching point.
Jim Pearson had worked with Pixar's Toy Story 2 as well a quite a few short projects, and is now in the Massive Multiplayer Online gaming industry, as a creative director developing environments, characters and objects for the last year and a half, with a projected launch of Q4 2010. He's an inspiring person with a great work ethic.