IF: Pale with pox

zdepski's watercolor of chickenpox

zdepski's 2 color watercolor of chickenpox

zdepski's dogbaby pencil drawing of chicken pox
Click the Pic to make it bigger.

DogBaby Petey is down with Pox. He's getting bed rest, but the tickle in his throat is keeping him awake. The chicken pox aren't that itchy yet, but the fever is making him sweat.

Top: Full Pallet W&N Watercolor, brown W&N ink on Fabriano
Middle: Two Color W&N Watercolor, brown W&N ink on Fabriano
Bottom: Original pencil drawing on Strathmore, enhanced contrast

I looked to my heros, Hardie Gramatky and Fedor Rojankovsky for inspiration. I plan on including them in my thesis influences. I was fortunate enough to see Hardie's work at the Society of Illustrators back in November, but I will be searching in earnest to find an example of Fedor's work in a gallery or museum. Sorry to people who know their skills... I don't hold up well next to them. I love their control and seemingly immediate styles. I know there are years of mastery behind each brush stroke, but I want to get there eventually too.


Chad Grohman said…
My daughter loves the dogbaby. They look great. Our pick is version 1.
Anonymous said…
Paul, these are great! I love how you showed the process! You put a lot of work into these. Bravo!
Poor dogbaby!... I prefer the first one too, the colours fit better with the theme. Well done!
Linda Smith said…
Paul, you will definitely "get there", and sooner than "eventually"! These illustrations are terrific. Best to you,
Linda (Gramatky Smith)
Anonymous said…
Thank you for showing the process. It is a cute illustration

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