Dennis Nolan Reaction Paper: Hartford, July 16th

Zdepski's Dennis Nolan Lecture Reaction Paper
I'm a bit late to post this reaction paper. I had knocked it out a week or two after getting back from the Hartford summer session. I thought it turned out alright... no great revelations, mostly observations. I really like and respect what Dennis is doing, although my own skill and energy levels are hovering a bit lower down on the scale. I posted my Vin Di Fate paper a few weeks ago, and didn't get much feedback... It makes me question the validity of my comments... I kind of hate the web for these reasons... it's like playing a tuba solo and all you hear are the crickets chirping in the audience.

Ahhhh... Post it anyway. EFF Yahs... Dennis Nolan Reaction Paper, July 16, 2008, University of Hartford, West Hartford CT


Chad Grohman said…
DIY (Do It Yourself)
attitude needed to
help sustain a career
path fraught with job
to job cycles that can
lead an illustrator away
from their core of influence and artistic

This is a great insight. Its the leading away part that I identify with. Letting the job requests dictate what an artist is doing can be painful. Sometimes earning a living gets in the way, and without a well received approach to concept, style, or marketing, your SOL.
Guin said…
Well, I certainly appreciate the paper, since I'm writing mine! It's very well-written and insightful. Thank you for sharing, I have a better idea of what the heck I should be writing now.

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