Debates and Last Words
Last night was a disturbing night. I watched the debate, to witness nothing outside of either sides playbook. i sketched the candidates while they talked... here are the four pieces i came up with. each is on a different sketchbook page, but i merged them here for display.
i woke from a disturbing dream at 4 am. i was bound, blindfolded, and about to be shot in the head by an ak-47. i awoke, uttering my last words. i've never been that close to the edge in a dream before, but i wonder how much it has to do with the death of a client of mine's suicide... he's to be interned today. I utter the words, and prepared to cross... each of us has our own last words to utter. I couldn't sleep. i started drawing individuals uttering their last words... then children of conflict and ethic cleansing, uttering their last words. It's heavy, it's disturbing... it's on paper...
... i haven't anything else to say, but i feel like I'm looking at things a bit differently this afternoon.