IF: Stripes

zdepski's illustration - Home mitt Siegfried und Roy

Home mitt Siegfried und Roy

Stripes of all types - this is a snippet piece of a larger group of drawings about life with Siegfried and Roy... Such pet ownership joys like; cleaning the cat box, scooping up hairballs, dead animals left on the porch... you get the idea.

I didn't rag on Roy that much, he's got it bad with that tiger bite on his neck. Can't pile on. I also took liberties with the color. S&R are known for their white tigers and lions, but I love the color of the beasts in nature. Sorry... artistic license.


Maylanie said…
Oh my goodness! Great illustration it made me chuckle!
Indigene said…
Cool illustration! I can't imagine a litter box for tigers! lol!

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