500th Post - City Cow Country Cow
Illustration Friday word is "Vanity". I don't know why this popped into my head, but the vanity of believing you're far removed from being on someone's plate for dinner when you're equally as vulnerable seems rampant in our American society. The fact that many of us are a mere paycheck away from the street, or a missed payment away from loosing our healthcare makes me wonder how we can still be so callous to our neighbors (cow-less - punny).
digital piece using a couple of photos from my nyc trip, and the hair of a shorthorn cow. pen lines are done in Corel Painter 11 and the color and texture is in Photoshop.
both cows are smoking...
I was able to listen to one of the organizers (member, since it's a headless organization) speaking at the National Women's Democratic Club during our art opening last Thursday night. The DC locals in the crowd were ambivalent to the movement's lofty goals, and squawked about DC's taxation without representation not being part of the platform. The Occupy tent seems to be stuck as a sounding board for the nation's ills and complaints... perhaps not the focused force it needs to be.
Steve - It's been this way for years. I began college in 1981, and saw it steadily grow to what became this huge polarization of society. If you're for assisting the needy, you're branded a socialist/communist by some. I never have understood that mentality. The Christ and St.Paul many claim to follow, practiced a form of group communism; sharing what they had among the group.
Hope to be able to catch more of these great posts! :o)