IF: Ferocious

zdepski's illustration of a Fierce Hawaiian Warrior
Fierce Hawai'ian Warrior
One of the Warriors that didn't make it into a panel in Puapualenalena, Wizard Dog of the Waipi'o Valley back in 2007. I scanned the drawing from my 11x14 sketchbook and colored the piece in photoshop by porting in a flattened version of the Sentinel and adjusting the color as needed. It's a quick way to make a sketch have more body and believability.
Click to enlarge.


Love this. You have a wonderful style
He's a good character! I sure wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley...or tropical paradise. I like the back lighting and the way the light blue color repeats through the painting.
zillustration said…
Thank you - the light blue is just a sky and low-lying mist color, which reflects the sky. I didn't want to use a pure white as a highlight color, since there isn't any pure white in the sky.
maharelillo said…
Lovely colors and atmosphere.
Barclay said…

Great work. As always wonderful job.
Great character. Glad he's not coming after me...or is he?
Richard Ewing said…
Even his smile is ferocious.
Wouldn't wanna meet HIM at an ATM...

Nice contrast with angles and line to show assertion.


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