IF: Cultivate

zdepski's illustration of digging around the roots of the tree.
"Digging around the Roots"
a sketched spread from my Tornado Joe story - the kids are helping their grand father move one of the trees. The old milk cow and her calf are hitched up and ready to pull it back to the farm.

This image reminds me of the years my brothers and father spent harvesting timber or firewood from the many stands of hardwood in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. We cut it, drug it out of the woods, "stickered" it (putting strips of wood between each plank to allow air to move and dry the lumber), planed, sawed and shaped them...

Dad was a fine woodworker - he saw walnut, cherry and oak as money in the bank. He was right. The cost of those woods are beyond the means of many, but dad's foresight has allowed my brothers and me to continue to build items with those harvested trees 30-40 years later.

Dad was cultivating woodworkers.

Sketched from my sketchbook - colored in Photoshop via Cintiq - click to enlarge


Ellen Byrne said…
Love this atmosphere and the tree's face!
Reflections said…
Wonderful post... your image is beauty in the moment, your words inspirational reminders of what looking forward, planting seeds of the future can do.
Indigene said…
What a wonderful memory, your Dad cultivated in you! Beautiful post and imagery!
Sarah Melling said…
A really lovely story and illustration. I like the hand-drawn feel, and the way the golden color becomes green as it moves down.
Cally said…
Woodworking is such a wonderful craft and I love the colours and sketchy lines you've used in this drawing.

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