IF: Layer

zdepski's illustration of an obese cat
Layers of Fat... "Fat Cat"
Acrylic on MDF panel, 2007

He loves his life, and someone keeps bringing him fish. What's the problem? I'm fascinated by those shows on the Discovery or National Geo channels showing morbidly obese folks as a tiny head among a pile of fat rolls, covered with a contour sheet. What gets me wondering is: Who is carting all of that food within their reach?

mmm... bonito... nom nom nom nom...

click to enlarge


Anonymous said…
Great cat, a little gross. But also wonderful
M.Lee said…
Holy crap...I love this! I especially love how the fish bones have been left exposed! Very cool work!
Oh my. Love it though.
michele said…
Pure contentment! Great job! :o)
Linda Hensley said…
I wonder the same thing about who's bringing them the food? And how do they pay for it too, because I can't see how they can get out to work. Great illo!
Deirdre said…
I must admit, this really made me laugh....unfortunately to the point of snorting out loud. This is a great illustration, even though the cat hits a little too close to home. My kitties always seem to be a bit 'fluffier' than normal. Well done!
Indigene said…
This is an incredible illustration! Oh Paul, how could you? You had to have come in when we were not home and Oscar posed for you! Lol! We have a 22 lbs. cat, I know, I know, I just don't understand how it happened. He has been on a diet for years! He's also 3 feet long! He's security for all the celebrity cats in Hollywood! Lol! I will have to send you a pix of him! I do love this illustration...still laughing!
MIKE said…
damn fat cats eating all our fish. nice illo dude.
Alice Andreini said…

That is cat that lives for one thing only. He is god of the fat cat. It looks like you had a lot of fun portraying those rolls of fat.
Ana M.F. said…
wow, this is really cool and fun...he must be quite an expensive cat to keep with all that he eats :D

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