IF: Savour
"Savor the Flavor of the Savior" or "Sing-Rest-Sing"
I was at a religious service last week, and drew three pictures of the lady in charge of singing solos to karaoke tapes piped in over the loud-speakers. I always thought people that did that were kind of brave, or kind of nuts.
I can't stand singing in live situations... I hate musical theater, uncomfortable folk singer situations and campfire choruses. Perhaps because I was forced to sing in the church choir from early grade school through high school... when I rebelled and learned to mumble while pretending to sing.
Church lady isn't anything like that... She loves what she's doing, and doesn't give a hoot what I think. You go girl!
No malice meant here - she sang very well. I just can't be trusted with a pencil!
Three pages from my Strathmore sketchbook hastily fused into a wide image in Photoshop.
Click the pick to Savah the Flavah!
(Thank you very much! Stay warm!)