IF: Beneath

Zdepski's illustration of Professor Fyne in his underwater observation barrel
Professor Fyne is in his underwater observation barrel beneath the HMS.Duckwaddle, doing eleven knots. He's trying to snag a few new species in the name of science. His technology is rough, but a bit of steam from the boilers keeps the barrel warm.

Pencil and Cintiq with Photoshop.

Click to enlarge the picture


Artsnark said…
Excellent- fun concept & great lines
Jo1day said…
That looks fabulous. I love the constrained palette, and the lines are so crisp.
Ellen Byrne said…
Really, really nice piece! I love it!
Great illustration. It makes me remember the Verne´s classic submarine Nautilus.

Anonymous said…
Marvelous contraption! I love the light in the water too.

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