Smokin Primates

zdepski's watercolor painting of a Macaque smoking a cigar
zdepski's watercolor painting of a baboon smoking a churchill cigar
zdepski's watercolor painting of a proboscis monkey with blunt
Round two or three. I had terrible reference for the Proboscis monkey, but the profile is pretty silly. I like the Macaque... the Baboon has possibilities. These were all done on Strathmore sketch paper... really buckled. not the best ground for heavy wash styles like mine. The color is my new Lucas set of 24... some colors are a bit chalky. I'm not sure if I would ever be happy with a full set from one single manufacturer. I tend to pick here and there to make my pallet, but these are my first fully Lucas pieces.

I needed new Avatar material for my various web presences... smoking primates are my moniker.

click to make them bigger.


Chad Grohman said…
Great painting! I like the first one. nice

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