Punch Buggy

Zdepski's digital illustration of the Punch Buggy game involving Volkswagen products
My brothers and sisters were always, ALWAYS looking for reasons to pound on each other. We had a game called PUNCH-BUGGY that was played while riding, walking or lounging in front of the television. IF a Volkswagen product happened to drive by, the one who saw it and yelled "Punch-Buggy" (or Slap-Buggy, Kick-buggy, etc.) would pound on the person of their choice.

I showed an earlier version to my sister Jean, who disputes some of the model:punishment designations. She recalled a family trip to Philadelphia that happened to take us past a Volkswagen dealership... "lots of bruises and red marks on the legs, arms..."

This was a game that usually ended in Dad yelling or Mom pulling over and threatening corporal punishment.

ahh... the 70s.

Pencil to Digital - Photoshop and Illustrator

Corporal Punishment Series
Click for BIG fun!


Unknown said…
We used to play "Punch-buggy" too, that is until I punched my dad while he was driving and caused him to rear end the car in front of us. Whoops!

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