IF: Ahead

zdepski's digital illustration of The Garden
Look in Ahead to Summer and The Garden

The Garden
Looking Ahead to Summer - Time for All Work, No Fun.

Banana Split - FREE Long plastic spoon
Came in a Cool Boat - Good for the Tub!

The deal was:
If we cleared the entire garden, including the vegetables,
They would take us to the Ice Cream Stand for a Banana Split...
... a Banana Split = $1.25
$1.25 for 480 hours (three summer months)
$0.0026 per hour!!

20 Beds of Iris with 60 varieties each was overboard.
We had Buses arriving to view the insanity.

(Greyhound Bus Tour)
(The Hill)
(Burning Barrel)
(The Cub)
(Hornet Grapes)
(Bad Apples)
(Sewer Water)
(Peacock House - No Birds)
(Field Truck)

Weapon of Choice - DIRT CLOD
The Garden was a sore spot.

I refuse to go into a garden to this day.

This could be an entire chapter in a book... the garden was hell.
3 seasons of drudgery - the 4th we were cutting, chopping, splitting, stacking and burning wood... it broke the monotony.

Corporal Punishment was dished out by the bucket.

I remember the day my brother and I snapped and mowed down the entire garden with the Cub tractor... we set the brush hog blade to the ground and let it chop. I was a teenager by then, and the parents had moved on to other interests, like Alister Cooke and Masterpiece Theatre.

I had never had such a satisfactory harvest.

Good riddance!

Cintiq with Photoshop and scanned drawings - 11x17 inches at 300dpi
click the image to poke my sore spot.


Chad Grohman said…
I like these biographical ones...
k.h.whitaker said…
this is great, love the story
MrBibleHead said…
Hey Paul!! Great illustration and story. Love it.

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