IF: Stir

Zdepski's page 2 of Sing Sing, a one act opera
Hazel Awoke Singing One Sunday Morning

Hazel Stirs on Sunday morning.

I've hand bound a short run of 9 books of "Sing Sing - A One Act Opera" in the last 24 hours. My friend Matt Dembicki has offered to show them at the upcoming S.P.A.C.E. show in Ohio next weekend. He has been gracious enough to

  1. prod me into action...

  2. display these books within his rented space...

  3. submit "Sing Sing" into the prize competition for the upcoming S.P.A.C.E. award...

Thank you Matt.

you can download a PDF version of the booklet here, without the super-duper cover wrap (with Hippocratic Oath).


Indigene said…
I wish you the best! Wonderful imagery.

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