The Sorcerer

The Sorcerer on Burliuk's roof by moonlight

"Up on the Cossack's roof - a "Bump-Bump-Bump" as the Sorcerer alighted upon the shingles, Mongol dagger in hand, a giant's legbone as a cane. Burliuk awoke with a chill and stoked the fire in the hearth..."

The Sorcerer on Burliuk's roof by moonlight

I made some changes to the character - I used Lenin and Stalin as my face models. I thought the skeletal face in the one below was too scary. My wife also said to soften the angles of the body. I added a puffy Ruskie shirt, with a bit of a potbelly overhanging the tunic. I think it works better.

I'm getting into the story - Every hero needs an anti-hero... the greater the hero, the more wicked the villain. A very good image for Halloween... no?

pencil to digital via Cintiq with SketchbookPro and Adobe Photoshop.
Click to enlarge the creepy crawly.


Anonymous said…
Perfectly creepy. I love it.

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